Irving Flores Music

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American Influence

Irving Flores & Danzon Jazz Trio, featuring nine compositions written and arranged by Irving Flores.

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Within the production of the album you may hear a blend of two perspectives. An eastern view from my friend Hiro and the western vision of a humble musical servant. No digital tricks, effects, editions, or alterations exist in this recording. What you hear is true music and the soul given at the time of each take.


Brad Steinwehe Jazz Orchestra

This album includes two Irving Flores original compositions, “Coronado Bridge” and “Dana Point,” and an arrangement for a Dave Scott composition “Samba del Sol,” featuring the legendary Bill Watrous.


La Rumorosa

A compilation of composers from Baja California, Mexico, as well as Irving Flores original compositions related to his experiences on both sides of the border.


On a Clear Day

Sonic Colossus Jazz Orchestra. Produced by Brad Steinwehe. Arranged by Bill Cunliffe, Adam Bravo, Kyle Myers, Irving Flores, Walter Simonsen.


Christmas With You

Music, lyrics and vocals by Dave Scott, featuring legendary Tombonist Bill Watrous, with Music Production and Orchestral Arrangements by Irving Flores.